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Welcome to my Photo Gallery!

All of These were taken off of a PSP!! :D

its a psp 3000 :( its a psp 3000 :(

I love how it takes really dated but still great early 2000's photography. really lets you have fun and be creative :D

Here is a photo of my cat :3

Shes such a pretty kitty!

OH NO YOU CANT SEE MY CAT :( Shes so pretty in this one, sucks you cant see her :(

I love her so so much! I take such good care of her her name is Twix, but we all call her baby kitty beacuse shes such a baby kitty, shes like 9 years old now i love her so much i love my cat shes the best cat in the world no other cat can compare to my baby cat i swear on my life that she is the BEST CAT OF ALL TIME!


Fresh from the tumbler!

Guess you cant see the rocks L

My mom will go to the beach alot and collect a bunch of cool rocks! When she gets home we put them in the tumbler and make necklaces and jewlery with them! i love rocks!!

My Guitars!

I love to play the bass :3

My Beautiful Ax

Id say ive been messing around with the bass for about 3 or so odd years now, i love playing little silly grooves on it! I bought the guitar from a friend before he moved away, couldn't see it go into some strangers hands. still dont really know how to play guitar but will pick it up eventually to make a song at some point!


Le Fishe :D

No fishe for you More beautiful fishe Im so sad you cannot see fishe :(

My best friend Daws has tons of fishtanks and fish! i love to take photos of them when im over! i love his fish and his tanks are just like little planetariums almost with each one having their own ecosystem and boidiverse life! he takes such good care of them. this is just 1 of his many tanks